Best strategy games on Reddit

262 reviews from r/SteamDeck, r/gamingsuggestions, r/RealTimeStrategy and 15 more subreddits

262 reviews from
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"Thronefall is great fun."
"Battle of Polytopia is great and the devs been supporting it for years across every platform."
"Xcom runs beautifully on the deck and can be modded."
"Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord is a lot of fun."
"Huge fan of the Mimimi games also, especially Desperados 3."
"I just watched Mount & Blade Bannerlord gameplay video and it was so good."
"I mean…there is only one game that has kept me up ALL NIGHT with a friend playing it and it’s stellaris."
"Battle of Polytopia, it's also pretty fun."
"Badnorth is also pretty good. The roguelite element to it is pretty interesting."
"Rimworld runs great on it too and works surprisingly well with a controller."


"Dune: Spice Wars, Stellaris, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, Crusader Kings III."
"Stellaris and Humankind"
"Stellaris (RTS) and Master Of Orion (Turn) are my favourites"
"Total war: Warhammer III (more RTS), Baldur’s Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, Deparados 3 (more tactical RPG), Stellaris (more 4x)."
"Stellaris is a great game, available as Mac native."
"Would also suggest Stellaris."
"Stellaris - Galactic space empire builder"
"Stellaris, any of the Civilization games, either of the 3D XCOM games, Into The Breach, and FTL."
"Stellaris runs beautifully on the deck if you pick a medium-sized galaxy."

Into the Breach

"Into the breach"
"A very different type of strategy game, but into the breach is a super amazing game"
"I'm enjoying Into The Breach right now. Only just getting into it, but I wholly recommend it if you can get it on sale."
"I play Into The Breach almost daily on my Steam Deck, and it brings me much happiness."
"Into the breach"
"I would play Into the Breach and probably Warside when it comes out."
"Is the best strategy tactics game on any platform"
"Into the Breach (turn based kaiju smasher strategy from the makers of FTL)"
"Into the Breach. Only available on mobile through Netflix unfortunately."
"Also Into The Breach"

Civilization VI

"- Civ VI"
"Civ VI, already mentioned here but is amazing how well works on deck."
"Obviously good, songs of conquest also works really well on the steam deck."
"Civ 6. Perfect since it's turn based and works great with trackpad"
"GET GATHERING STORM! while it's on sale! It's great (if you get it on sale)"
"Would personally recommend Civ 6 if you're new to the 4x genre."
"Civ 6 works well for the average user."
"Been spending a lot of time Civ 6 recently and it's fantastic."
"Civilization on the switch is pretty good"
"Civ VI, humankind"

Crusader Kings III

"Crusader Kings 3 let’s you play as any king (or lesser nobles) from the medieval age."
"Dune: Spice Wars, Stellaris, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, Crusader Kings III."
"Runs well on my base m1."
"Crusader Kings 3."
"CK3 is the only turn based strategy game I play anymore. It's just so much better than anything else."
"Ck3 is really good once you understand the game"
"CK3 on the deck is now my go to way to play the game."
"I can recommend the two simplest and easiest ones: Victoria 3 and Crusader Kings 3."
"Crusader Kings 3."

Total War

"Total war medieval 2, I'm still playing it. fantastic game"
"Old but gold. You manage an empire and have the option to either auto resolve battles or have a go at being a general on a 'live battlefield'."
"Total War games"
"Total war series and company of heroes"
"Total war?"
"Medieval 2 and original Rome 1 from the Total War series"
"Your best bet is probably to browse the Strategy category and Medieval tag on Steam and see if anything gets your attention there."
"Also try total war series."
"Total War is really bad."


"Not what you asked for but Rimworld is what you are looking for."
"Hey OP something tells me he will really enjoy rimworld."
"Don't forget RimWorld"
"Why play Rimworld?, yes"
"I want it to play strategy games anywhere : stuff like Rimworld, KeeperRL, Dwarf Fortress, Kenshi, Stronghold, Trópico."
"Rimworld. It is five different genres in one, but if you are not thinking strategically five steps ahead you will absolutely not survive."
"You should try Rimworld or Football Manager if you want RPG/life sim stuff."
"RimWorld is specifically optimized for the deck by the devs."


"XCom 2 is great."
"Really good game that is great for one off missions."
"The XCOM games play brilliantly on controllers."
"XCOM 2 plays pretty well on the Deck."
"Xcom2 is fun too. It is turn-based."

Endless Legend

"Endless Legend"
"Endless Legend feels like an obvious answer."
"Always been a fan of the endless series. Endless legend is one if my gavourite 4x strategy games out there"
"If you like civ, check out Endless Legend or Endless Space 2"
"Endless Legend and/or Endless Space"
"I find Endless Legend not too complex."

Age of Empires II

"Age of empires ii is what i started with"
"Age of Empires II"
"Age of empires 2 would be another great option"
"Age of empires 2"
"Age of empires 2 is something that has been around a while and is likely to ring a bell."


"Xcom 2 Jeanne de arc"
"Mainly been dipping into the FFtactics for the PSP."
"Xcom 2 and Wildermyth are both great turn based tactical games."
"Xcom 2 is pretty slick once you work out the controls."
"Xcom 2, lost eidolons, redemption reapers."

Europa Universalis IV

"EU4. Or any PDX title really. Somehow EU4 runs flawlessly out the gate with no tinkering."
"Europa Universalis 4, Victoria 3, Crusader Kings 3"
"Hearts of Iron IV and Europa Universalis both have native support and are the pinnacle of grand strategy games."
"EU4 will run fine on steam deck."
"Europa universalis 4 if you like civ6 pre modern times (artilery) and civ6 is too easy"

Age of Wonders 4

"Age of wonders 4"
"I just sleep the deck in between sessions."
"Age of wonders 4 or against the storm."
"Age of Wonders 4 is great and works out of the box."
"Age of Wonders 4."

Company of Heroes

"Company of Heroes"
"Company of heroes 3, a world war 2 RTS that plays extremely well on controller."
"Company of heroes is lot more about tactics and resource management."
"Company of hero’s plays Great."
"Company of Heroes."

Victoria 3

"Victoria 3 has native silicone version on Steam right now."
"Vic3 and Ck2 are quite good if you can get a handle on using a mini trackpad for it."
"Victoria 3 plays well in handheld mode, the it’s easy to navigate using the trackpad as a mouse."
"Victoria 3 is *probably* the easier one."
"I can recommend the two simplest and easiest ones: Victoria 3."


"Frostpunk, XCOM 2, and Anno 1800 are all really amazing strategy games."
"Frostpunk is my go-to when it comes to strategy games."
"Frost punk is fantastic."
"Frostpunk is pretty fun and harsh."

Against the Storm

"Against the Storm has been my obsession for a bit."
"Is exactly what you are looking for."
"Age of wonders 4 or against the storm."
"Against the Storm is a cool run based city builder"


"Completely fell in love with the game. 300+ hours"
"Northgaard is really good for this. It’s an RTS with a full coop campaign."
"Northguard is a good Viking themed one."
"Northgard is pretty nice. WC3 reforged works as well on mac"


"It's a bit old, but I wonder if he'd like Battletech? Turn-based, big stompy silly mechs."
"Battletech, AoW Planetfall, Thea and Thea 2 are all good."

Heroes of Might and Magic

"Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (get on GOG not Steam) + Horn of the Abyss expansion + HD mod."
"Here to add some fantasy with Heroes of might and magic (i suggest to stop looking after the fifth, the third Is considered the best but i liked fourth too with it's music)"
"Heroes of might and magic 3. (Get the complete edition, not HD)"

Age of Wonders

"Age of Wonders 4? If he likes fantasy, it might hit the mark."
"Age of wonders 4, all turn based."
"Age of Wonders 4 is quite like civ but in a fantasy setting."

Slay the Spire

"Slay the spire"
"Slay the Spire. Civ 4/5/6. Xcom Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within."
"Slay the spire"

Hearts of Iron IV

"Hearts of iron 4 runs on mac natively i believe via steam!! ww2 type strategy game"
"Hearts of Iron IV and Europa Universalis both have native support and are the pinnacle of grand strategy games."
"Hearts of Iron IV maybe 😬"

Civilization series

"Civilization (series) - War for The Overworld - Tropico (series) - Dungeon Keeper (series) - Afterlife - Stronghold 2"
"*The* game in this genre is Civilization."
"Imo Civilization is a rather beginner friendly strategy game."

Endless Space

"Endless Space for sure! If he liked Stellaris, but hated the lack of end-goal, and loves Civ 5, then Endless Space is the perfect fit!"
"Endless Space 2. Knights of Honor 2. Older civs. Port Royale 2. Total War."
"Endless games definitely, Space, legend and Space 2."

Knights of Honor

"Also has one of the best soundtracks ever."
"The original Knights of Honor. Also has one of the best soundtracks ever."
"I remember enjoying a game called Knights of Honor, pretty old (2004) but fun."

Firaxis Games

"XCOM, XCOM2 any and all DLC"
"XCom by a lot."
"Maybe it's best to start with an older version of civilization... I recommend 2 (abandonware) or 3 on steam."

The Last Spell

"The last spell"
"Which is tactics, a bit of tower defense roguelike."

Civilization V

"Has he done civ 5 modded? Vox populi mod overhauls the game."
"Honestly I like Civ5 better than 6. Still runs on Mac and is loads of fun."
"Civ 5 if you're on a budget."

Master of Orion

"Try Master of Orion. Basically Civ lite, but in space."
"Master of Orion II, or Stars in Shadow for a more modern clone"
"Master of orion 2"

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

"Tactic ogre LUCT"
"Strategy: Tactics Ogre: Let us cling together."

Command and Conquer

"Command and conquer red alert 2"
"I scrolled a fair way and was surprised to see no mention of command and conquer or red alert."

Mohawk Games

"Old World is really quite awesome and may be a good fit!"
"Old World... It's like Civ and Medieval 2: Total War had a love child."

Command & Conquer

"C&C series (C&C 4 doesnt exist dont look for it.) and other older games cause he might know about them."
"Command and Conquer is a good strategy game."


"Has he tried the civ spin offs like alpha centauri or colonization?"
"Civilization IV (with Realismus Invictus mod)."

Creative Assembly

"100% empire Total war."
"Empire Total War. Or Napolean Total War"


"It’s a great turn based card game. I can promise you will enjoy it."
"Idk if its strategy but "inscryption" is probably the best card game that i've ever played."


"If you like Civilization at all, check out Polytopia. It's free!"
"Polytopia, my dude"

Anno 1800

"Probably the nicest (graphics wise) strategy game ever made."
"Anno 1800"

Paradox Interactive

"Age of Wonders 4"
"Total war series, age of wonder 4 is quite like civ but un a fantasy setting and I love it :)"

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

"I beat FFT-WotL on my 353m last month, played perfectly!"
"Final fantasy tactics war of the lions."


"Factorio is really good. It's kind of a logistics strategy game."

Midnight Suns

"Midnight suns was a blast for a turn based, card collecting, strategy game"
"For Strategy plus relationship building check out Midniggt Suns."

Total War: Warhammer 3

"If you're in the mood for a fantasy strategy war game with a huge map."
"Total War: Warhammer 3 had a rocky launch in early 2022, but it's been getting better since then."

Total War series

"Total war games. I used to play a lot of Shogun 2 on my mac"
"So I've played a lot of total war games like thrones of Britannia, Rome 2 and even Attila on steam deck."


"Stronghold and stronghold crusader are nice chill games with funny characters and logistics + sieging gameplay."
"Stronghold, maybe"


"Mechabellum is the answer"
"[Mechabellum]( RTS style combat mechanics."


"Age of empires - franchise"
"Age of Empires is on there as well."

Star Wars

"Star Wars: Empire at War. Get him the Awakening of the Rebellion mod."
"Star Wars Supremacy.. sometimes called Rebellion. PC, not the board game :)"

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

"Shadow Tactics is "chef's kiss"."
"Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is pretty fun."


"I cannot recommend enough."

Divinity: Original Sin 2

"Divinity Original Sin 2 seems like an obvious choice."
"Dos2 before it is harder and more strategic."

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

"Not only a good 4X, but a good story too."
"Heteoes of might and magic 2 and 3"

Baldur's Gate 3

"BG3 is one of the best turn based combat games in history."
"You'd probably enjoy Baldurs gate 3 as the turn based combat is very strategic, although I guess it's more of an RPG"


"I like Dune Spice Wars, although I find playing it with a controller pretty awkward."
"Dune Spice Wars"


"Desperado 3 plays well if you're into RTT."
"Desperados is a good one…"


"Unciv, its civilization but free."

Darkest Dungeon

"Darkest Dungeon and 40K gladius is my go to right now."
"Darkest Dungeon is one with super simple controls."

Battle of Polytopia

"Battle of Polytopia is a great 'my first' strategy game."
"I would recommend battle of polytopia. It's simple 4X."

Galactic Civilizations

"Galactic Civs 4"
"Galactic Civilisations"

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

"Right now it’s Symphony of War The Nephilim Saga."

Advance Wars

"I played a lot of advance war and fire emblem."
"It's a very simple yet deep game and tons of fun."

Total War: Pharaoh

"I've sunk the most hours into."

Terra Invicta

"You could give Terra Invicta a try. It’s a much harder, bigger scale game."

Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord

"Dune: Spice Wars, Stellaris, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, Crusader Kings III."



Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope

"Its sequel [Mario + Rabbids Spark of Hope]... which are basically Mario (and Rabbids) crossed with XCOM."

Dune: Spice Wars

"Dune: Spice Wars, Stellaris, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, Crusader Kings III."

Banner Saga Trilogy

"Banner Saga is an excellent story driven game with some neat roguelike elements."

Total War: Warhammer III

"Total war: Warhammer III (more RTS), Baldur’s Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, Deparados 3 (more tactical RPG), Stellaris (more 4x)."

Distant Worlds: Universe

"I would recommend Distant Worlds: Universe."

Songs of Conquest

"Songs of Conquest 🙏hyped for the 1.0 and even now it has so much to offer."


"Could try GLOOMHAVEN. The digital adaption of the massive tactical fantasy boardgame."

Civilization II

"Risk and civ 2 are fun"

Klei Entertainment

"Check out Oxygen Not Included."


"Risk and civ 2 are fun"

Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

"Was on sale for around $5."

Command & Conquer: Red Alert

"Dune 2000 or command and conquer red alert are fun real time strategy games"

Dune 2000

"Dune 2000 or command and conquer red alert are fun real time strategy games"

Void Tyrant

"It's free and kinda catchy."

Age of Empires IV

"Age of empires 4"


Warlock: Master of the Arcane

"If you don't mind magic in the game, Warlock Master of the Arcane is both fun and accessible."





Gears Tactics

"A surprisingly good TBG is gears tactics it has a bit of a challenge to it aswell 😀"

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