Best strength weapon on Reddit

340 reviews from r/darksouls3, r/Eldenring, r/darksouls and 5 more subreddits

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"Smoughs Hammer is super fun to use and perfectly embodies the bonk life."
"Grab the Great Club down in the swamp. Big bonk time."
"Claymore is baemore! Nice damage, speed, and hyperarmor mix."
"Heavy great club will never let you down, doesn’t have crazy stat requirements and the moveset cant be beat."
"I’ve always loved the Great Club. Infusible with whatever gem you want to use so it’s versatile."
"Demon's GreatAxe has an S scaling with strength."
"Man Serpent sword, baby. My favorite."
"Demon greataxe."
"Highest dmg for strength"
"Dragonslayer Greataxe. Thank me later."

Great Club

"Is the best, barely less damage than Demon Greataxe."
"Because bonk."
"Has the best scaling with strength."
"Captain Caveman build OP."
"All of these are great options."
"You can’t get any better than beating people with a giant wooden log."
"Great club. one of the few weapons in the game that let you reach the ultimate unga bunga mode by dressing up as a caveman."
"Great cloob or Bort ice hammer."
"Great club"

Dark Souls

"Pretty much any black knight, or dragon weapon."
"Black Knight and Silver Knight weapons, the Gravelord Sword, and the Lifehunt Scythe are some good pics."
"Black Knight Greatsword is really good, I used it for basically the entire game."
"Occult Giant-Crusher? Great Stars. Greatsword."
"Pure strength, you can't beat the giant crusher."
"Pure strength, go Giant Crusher."
"Probably the giant crusher."
"Any and all Black Knight weapons."
"Ledo's greathammer or Smough's greathammer for the biggest bonk."
"Ledo’s is the only correct answer."


"It’s kind of *the* bonk."
"Got me all the way through the base game then I found the Ancient Meteoric ore greatsword in the DLC..."
"It shits so hard and is definitely my favourite strength weapon."
"The Greatsword, its light attack won’t bounce because it comes from above"
"I loved the greatsword. Fun moveset and high damage"
"The classic Greatsword is a fantastic option"
"Stagger + High AR: Greatsword, Lothric knight Greatsword, Yhorm's Great Machete, Great Machete, Great Mace, Exile Greatsword"
"The Greatsword. Stagger everything, crazy reach."
"You can never go wrong with the classic greatsword."

Dragonslayer Greataxe

"Not sure if it’s the highest but it’s an absolute beast."
"For single players only, I'd personally recommend the Dragonslayer Greataxe."
"I love the Dragonslayer Greataxe. The lightning damage is great for most bosses"
"Dragonslayer Greataxe will forever be my favorite STR weapon"
"PvE: Tie between Dragonslayer's Greataxe / Winged Knight Twinaxes / Exile Greatsword."
"The dragonslayer greataxe is so good."
"Dragonslayer greataxe is a much better option than FUGS."
"Dragonslayer greataxe will fuck the nameless king."
"Dragonslayer greataxe or Ledos great hammer."
"Damage? Dragonslayer greataxe"

Exile Greatsword

"Heavy Exile GS has the highest dps and is generally one of the best pve weapons."
"Exile greatsword is simply a demon, a greatsword swinging that quickly should be illegal"
"Exile greatsword HUGE DAMAGE :)"
"The exile greatsword. Makes the game an absolute cakewalk"
"Either exile greatsword,yhorms machete or ringed knight greatswords"
"Is ridiculous, insane damage, great weapon art, quick and low on stamina draining compared to other strength weapons."
"Exile greatsword has the most DPS"
"Exile great sword helped a lot in my playthroughs , and its the best strength weapon for beginners"
"Exile greatsword is my fave"
"Exile greatsword. It's easy to use and one of the best damage dealer swords in the game."

Ledo's Hammer

"Ledo’s hammer get the best damage up scaling"
"Of course."
"I guess ledo's great hammer for it's moveset and good dmg, love that weapon"
"Ledos Hammer probably."
"Ledos no question."
"Ledos greathammer nuff said."
"Ledos Hammer (the dlc str weapon) because of the weapon art."
"Ledos Hammer."
"I think Ledo's Great hammer has the biggest bonk"
"Ledo Hammer and it ain’t close!"


"For PVE probably FUGS."
"The FUGS is the very best thing ever."
"FUGS carried me through the platinum in ds2 and FUGS carried me through the horrid platinum in ds3"
"FUGS is great now, but it was absolutely broken at launch."
"I think its either FUGS or RKPGS."
"FUGS is the way. Also Yhorm’s Great Machete is pretty badass too."
"I personally prefer the FUGS because I like the two handed R2 better."
"I used fugs in my first playthrough."
"FUGS is a classic."

Yhorm's Great Machete

"If I’m using buffs, Yhorm’s great machete. If I’m not, Ledo’s great hammer"
"Yhorm's Great Machete is the best"
"Yhorm Machete has the highest physical damage in DS3, so use that."
"Yohrms great machete. I was all over the claymore till I got that."
"Uncommon opinion maybe, but Yhorm's Great Machette slaps."
"Can't believe nobody is saying Yorhm's Great Machete. I had a blast with that thing."
"Yhorm’s great machete made fights like 1st and 2nd phase friede, twin princes and SoC a cakewalk for me"
"Just *chop chop chop chop*"

Great Mace

"Great Mace."
"I recommend the Great Mace, one of my personal favorites."
"I'm a personal fan of the great hammers."
"Slightly faster R1 goes to great Mace/great stars."
"Great mace, and yhorms machete always come through for me."
"Great Mace. Vordt's Hammer, but buffable."
"My cleric is self-restricted to hammers & greathammers, but the great mace, and vordt's mace before it, are both amazing."
"Great Mace is incredibly underrated."
"The great mace is personal favorite."


"It just flattens pretty much everything."
"With royal knights resolve, spear talisman and axe talisman"
"The Zweihander is an absolute beast, I infused it with lightning and honestly it's so fun!"
"Zweihander early game is OP and can be used late game."
"The zweihander. It carried me through all the Dark Souls games."
"Personally I like Zweihander fully reinforced with heavy infusion."
"Zweihander, Snek sword, Sticks, Black knight weapons and Demon weapons"
"Isn't bad."

Vordt's Hammer

"Vordt’s hammer is the best weapon in the game."
"Try Vordt's big bonk."
"For me its the best weapon in the game."
"Vordt’s great hammer +10! ... I love it, precisely because it’s OP and I’m not that good at the game."
"Vordt’s hammer should carry you to the end."
"I like FUGS or Vordt hammer."
"Ledo's Hammer once you level up more."


"Great damage, good speed and range."
"Claymore with a heavy infusion."
"Claymore built right can body all these builds."
"Claymore is Baemore, Wolf Knight Greatsword is neat too because of the frontflip but its definitely worse"
"Standard: Claymore."
"Other good early game weapons are Claymore."

Lothric Knight Greatsword

"Lothric Knight GS, the roll light attack is too good for beating tough enemies."
"Lothric Knight GS (heavy) has the best AR of ultra greatswords."
"Optimally probably lothric knight GS or dragon slayer."
"Lothric knight greatsword"
"Lothric knight greatsword has good damage for it's weight."
"The Lothric Greatsword L2 slaps."

Yhorm's Machete

"Yhorm’s machete, so fucking raw."
"Yhorm's Machete It's soooo satisfying to hit with!"
"Yhorm's Machete rocks"
"Yhorms machete is what i used first 3 ng+ cycles. works"
"And it was great."
"I like yhorm's machete"

Great Stars

"Is good cookin’."
"Best damage."
"Strike: Great Stars."
"With wild strikes."
"I always enjoyed double Great Stars."
"For pve: great stars."

Dragon Tooth

"Dragon tooth the ultimate bonk"
"I fell in love with Dragon tooth in my last playthrough😀"
"Greatsword or Dragon Tooth, I prefer Dragon tooth because strike damage"
"Dragon tooth is good. Also gives you fire resistance"
"Dragon Tooth."
"I'm unsure if it's the best."

Vordt's Great Hammer

"Even if somethings immune to frostbite the great hammer will still greatly hammer."
"Early game is always Vordt’s great hammer"
"Vordt great hammer is solid."
"Vordts. Super underrated weapon."
"Vordt's Great Hammer"

Demon Greataxe

"Is the highest AR weapon for a str build."
"Requires the most investment in strength and scales exclusively with it while offering the most damage per swing."
"It has S scaling in str and as far as I know it has biggest number."
"Demon Greataxe. Period."

Profaned Greatsword

"I’ll die on this hill"
"I love the profaned Greatsword... Just use fully loaded heavy attack to stab and throw down every knight type enemy to the ground."
"Profaned GS, as to why, i like the fire aspect and it feels easy to time"
"Imma go with the profaned gs"

Black Knight Greatsword

"I love using the black knight great sword... Massive damage at +5."
"Black knight greatsword for sure."
"Black knight great sword."
"Black knight greatsword, Golem axe, Dragon tooth, grant."

Ledo's Great Hammer

"It deals strike damage which is a really good damage type."
"Ledos great hammer"
"Ledo's great hammer and fume ultra greatsword are good, but very heavy"


"I just finished the game using the greataxe and dragon slayer greataxe."
"Greataxe / Greatclub have by far the best damage/weight ratio."
"The stunlocking was real."
"Not best but my favorite, the Greataxe."

Ledo's Greathammer

"Best damage up scaling."
"Ledo greathammer, fugs, greataxe, dragonslayer greataxe"
"Ledo's or Smough's Greathammer"

Smough's Hammer

"Smough's Hammer. SMASH"
"I honestly prefer Smohgs hammer"
"Smoughs Hammer is hilarious to use."


"Guts greatsword is my ole' reliable."
"Guts Greatsword of course."
"Guts Greatsword with Lion's Claw."

Giant Crusher

"Dual wielding giant crusher goes brrrr"
"With lions claw and stonebarb cracked tear is ultimate bonk."
"For non somber its pretty hard to beat the giant crusher or the greatsword."

Large Club

"It's gotta be the large club for me."
"Is my preferred bonker."
"My favorite is the Large Club. Heavy Atks can make bonk and make pancakes."

Demon's Greataxe

"Biggest number is Demon's Greataxe."
"Has S scaling in strength."
"The Demon's Greataxe -usually- provides the highest single hit damage"

Live Puppet Axe

"Thank me later."
"I can't step away from the charged R2's."
"I really like the Live Puppet axe on the exploding pickaxe handle."

Fire Knight's Greatsword

"1 fire Knights Greatsword... Just put flame skewer on it and enjoy."
"One of the big hits was definitely the Fire Knight Greatsword."
"Objectively, probably Fire Knight's Greatsword."

Smough's Great Hammer

"Pure strength? Smoughs Great Hammer for PVP."
"Is a great choice."
"You can finish the game with all of them."

Star Fists

"Loved the Star Fists (occult) on my Arcane build."
"For something really fast"
"Plays fast and hits really hard - Star Fists."

Greatsword of Solitude

"Greatsword of Solitude and the Anvil Hammer have been my favorite dlc strength weapons."
"Is pretty great. Strong defensive stats for guard countering with it."
"That initial greatsword of solitude you get right near the start is pretty great."

Rusted Anchor

"Rusted Anchor is underrated imo."
"Rusted anchor is good - very nice for when you want piercing damage."
"Pierce: Rusted Anchor."

Lothric Knight's Greatsword

"Lothric Knight greatsword. One of the only weapons that encourages R2 spam."
"Lothtic Knight Greatsword. Free lightning damage and still buffable/infusible."
"Personaly my favorite is Lothrick knight's great sword because of its build in lightning dmg."


"Try the nightrider glaive its a great strength weapon."
"Slash: Nightrider Glaive."

Hunter's Axe

"You can't go wrong with the axe."
"Hunters Axe. Spin to win."


"Yhorm's great machete. God tier in PVP on par with half-leaf blade with STR imo."
"Yhorm’s Great Machete is what I used. It’s really fun, does a shit ton of damage, and has a cool moveset."

Star Fist

"The heavy and charged attacks are ridiculous."
"Star fist is probably the best weapon for every boss lol"

Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords

"Ring knight paired greatswords are incredibly fun and very strong at the same time with the L1 attacks"
"Ringed knight paired great swords is an exceptional choice in my opinion."

Holy Sword of the Ark

"I Been loving holy sword of the ark. Maybe it’s the most Bloodborne weapon because you can transform it."
"Great moveset, good reach with the poke, flashy."


"HAMMER It’s so versatile, you can throw it at single targets."
"Great hammers. You need a fuckton of str and vit but seeing enemies just fall flat is fucking funny and strong."

Dragon Halberd

"Ever used the Dragon Halberd? Siofra River, kill the dragonkin."
"Dragon halberd is cool too."

Heavy Exile Greatsword

"Is the best PvE Str weapon."

Dragon Slayer Great Axe

"It absolutely melts anyone who isn’t resistant to lightning."
"Dragon slayer great axe, lothric great sword, great sword."

Lothric Greatsword

"Lothric greatsword"
"Lothric greatsword, hard to use early but it has amazing moveset."

Great Sword

"Dual Wield Great Sword with LionsClaw."
"I like great sword and profaned great sword and lothric knight great sword."

Anvil Hammer

"Anvil Hammer if you can get that 20 Faith requirement."

Nightrider's Glaive

"Nightrider’s Glaive has S scaling for STR, one of the best weapons in the game"
"Nightrider's Glaive, Great Stars"

Smelter Hammer

"Smelter hammer powerstance 2 of those motherfuckers"
"You need a minimum of 47 strength to wield it in two hands tho."


"Love that thing."
"I also recommend heavy infused broadsword when you need something quick that still has good scaling"

Spiked Mace

"No one mentioned Spiked Mace, from the evangelist’s. It’s pretty thwompy."
"Spiked mace."


"The Mace is probably a good contender."
"The mace. Scales well with strength, hits hard and fast."

Heavy Greataxe

"Everyone has at least slightly different playstyles."
"Honestly I went through a large portion of my pure strength build just using heavy infused Greataxe."

Cathedral Greatsword

"For PvP my eternal beloved was always the Cathedral Greatsword with a heavy gem."
"Cathedral greatsword is under-rated as a UGS."


"Ordovis Greatsword is an absolute monster."

Bloodhound's Fang

"Would probably be bloodhounds fang."

Mastodon Halberd

"I find the Mastodon Halberd extremely strong."

Chicken Wings

"It’s really the most bang for your buck."


"Might be the best weapon in the dark souls series."

Lightning Old Knight Hammer

"The best greathammer is generally a Lightning Old Knight Hammer, which you want 15 STR for."

Heavy Giant Crusher

"With Royal Knight's Resolve, then charge up the attack and let her rip."

Ravager Gregory’s

"I’m on my second run and I’m using dual Ravager Gregory’s and I’m having so much fun."

Devotion's Might

"Does some INSANE damage, it’s replaced my beloved Bloody Glory"

Lightning Dragon Tooth

"A Lightning Dragon Tooth is slightly stronger if you have 40+ STR."

Black Knight

"If you were a quality build I'd suggest the black knight sword."

Gravelord Sword

"I normally use the gravelord sowrd."


"Found the longer range than giant crusher."

Blaidd's Colossal Sword

"I managed to beat her with Blaidds colossal sword."

Heavy Broadsword

"Heavy broadsword reaches an A scaling in Strength."

Golem Halberd

"I'm a fan of the golem halbred."

BK Great Axe

"BK Great axe was super duper fun to use."

Heavy Star Fist

"Heavy Star Fist with Royal Knight’s Resolve."

Golden Halberd

"Is pretty good."

Storm Hawk Axe

"Storm hawk axe for backup."

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