"70% organic topsoil and 30% playsand is the most popular safe loose substrate for leopard geckos!"
·"I have a mix of traction sand and pea gravel and leaf litter and they love it"
·"Consider a dirted tank a la Walstad or Father Fish. Soil with a sand cap."
·"Go with the sand. Many if not most rooted plants can be grown in sand as long as root tabs are provided."
·"Coco coir, orchid bark, cypress mulch and top soil are the four recommended options."
·"70% organic topsoil, 30% playsand is regarded as the best option for leopard geckos :) "
·"High quality, natural loose substrate is the best you can offer to your bearded dragon of ANY age."
·"I like black sand, because goldfish poop kinda blends in and it doesn't look as gross."
·"Sand bottom and plenty of moss balls. Our orandas love knocking the moss balls around and sifting through the sand."
·"Idk much about skinks but I think a mix of play sand, soil, clay and Coco coir would be good."