Best swaddle on Reddit

233 reviews from r/beyondthebump, r/NewParents, r/newborns and 12 more subreddits

233 reviews from
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Love to Dream

"It’s an amazing swaddle. My daughter loved be swaddled too and she loved this one!"
"Look into the love to dream swaddle! Allows their arms to go up next to their face."
"Love2dream swaddles and then tradition sack when LO is ready to transition to a sleep sack."
"It's a game changer."
"Love to Dream and the ZipadeeZip worked for us."
"You can zip the arms off so that it’s basically a sleep sack."
"Our little one loves them."
"The best thing I did was buy the Love to Dream SwaddleUp."
"We loved love to dream!!!"
"Love to dream swaddles."


"So we use the Halo swaddle which has the ability to wrap him in three different ways."
"Our 4 week old loves them and they are versatile with hands to face and one or 2 arms out."
"I definitely recommend Halo."
"I’ve loved the Halo brand sleep sack swaddle."
"It worked great."
"We use Halo Sleepsack in small."
"I like the Halo sacks."
"I love the cotton halo brand swaddles!"
"They allowed us to use the different arm positions."
"The swaddle party is only on the torso."


"I 100% recommend the Ollie swaddle!"
"Ollie worked great for us."
"LOVE the Ollie."
"I would recommend it."
"It’s the only one that baby couldn’t break out of."
"We have always done an Ollie swaddle underneath!"
"I ended up buying an Ollie swaddle secondhand and we’ve had good luck with that."

Zipadee Zip

"Zipadee zip! It was great w/my son since he had such a strong startle reflex."
"Big fan of the zipadee zip! For our first baby we eventually switched to Woolino sleep sacks."
"I can only type this right now because my almost 5 month old next week, is asleep in her zipadee zip."
"Which was amazing."
"I rarely splurge on more expensive items but the zipadee zip sleep sacks are a great transition from the swaddle."
"Trust me, it’s the absolute best."
"The zipadeezip was a good transitional sack."
"It was a game changer."
"We absolutely loved the Zippade Zip."
"Put a zipadee zip under the halo and pop his starfish arms out of the arm holes."


"The swaddle me velcro brand comes in a preemie size!! on amazon."
"We really like the swaddleme swaddles. Easier to get my son into than trying to put his arms through the holes of the halo."
"Even when he was using the preemie size, they stay put."
"We did the swaddle me brand ones."
"We use the SwaddleMe ones and love them."
"My baby loves the swaddleme and tolerates the Ollie."
"SwaddleMe Original Swaddle – Preemie Size."
"Swaddle me worked great for us. I really didn’t like the Halo brand and was surprised by that."
"We returned them and have been loving the Halo Sleep Swaddles."

Magic Merlin Sleep Suit

"The Baby Merlin’s Sleep Suit isn’t weighted. We’ve used it for over 2 months now and love it."
"The Magic Merlin suit was our savior when my two older kiddos started rolling."
"Try the Magic Merlin suit"
"Definitely the Merlin sleep suit and just put her in her diaper or a light vest!"
"I’ve heard people like the Merlin (maybe magic Merlin? I don’t know) sleep suit or zipa"
"The Merlin isn’t a weighted sleep suit, so it’s still ok to use based on current guidelines."
"Not a sleep sack but I swear by the magic Merlin sleep suit."
"Transitioned to the Magic Merlin sleep suit to help with the startle reflex!"

Love to Dream Swaddle

"Have you tried the love to dream? His arms are up, but he's zipped in. Our LO LOVED it!"
"Another vote for the Love to Dream swaddles."
"We LOVE the love to dream swaddle! LO is almost 7 weeks and it’s perfect!"
"We did the love to dream swaddle, which allows the arms to both be swaddled near baby’s face."
"Would recommend love to dream swaddle - our 11wk old is sleeping great with it"
"The Love to Dream swaddle was great. We still use sleep sacks (9 months)."
"I bought a LoveToDream swaddle and one of my twins couldn’t fit in it"

Halo Sleep Sack

"Halo worked great for us!"
"We use the halo sleep sacks and love them."
"I use the sleep sack swaddles, it's a zippered sleep sack with velcro swaddle wings."
"We use the halo sleep sack and have had no issues with it."
"We just used a regular halo sleep sack and not one of those special transition swaddles."
"The cotton type may work better for you since spring is near"
"Did really well with halo newborn sleep sacks."

Happiest Baby

"Everything on their site is currently 40% off!"
"It keeps her perfectly snug and she's been sleeping through the night since we started using it!"
"It’s literally the only one our baby couldn’t get his arms out of."
"The Sleepea from Happiest Baby has a medium that is 11 - 17lbs."
"I LOVED my Happiest Baby Sweet Pea zipper swaddle."
"Our warm blooded baby did well in the Happiest Baby swaddles."

Magic Merlin

"We have been using the merlin suit since 3.5mo and we went straight from full swaddle. Super smooth transition."
"My baby loved the Merlin suit."
"I heard those magic Merlin suits work great."
"We loved the Magic Merlin sleep suit."
"I loved the Merlin sleep suit with my LO."
"We used the magic Merlin and I wished we skipped it and went to a sleep sack instead."


"We used the swaddelini with baby just in diaper under it for our July baby who slept in ~26C for the first couple months of his life."
"I haven't tried them, but I wish I did as I do believe that's the only swaddle my LO couldn't break out from."
"I am definitely getting the Swaddelini for my next one."
"I used the swaddelini and liked it a lot as a FTM."
"I saw videos of the ‘swaddelini’… it looks like it would be hard to get out of."
"I had the swaddelini- but baby girl wanted to be arms up so it was never used."

Sleep Sack

"I would just go sleep sacks!"
"You should use a sleep sack instead."
"I have never swaddled. Baby sleeps in onesie and sleep sack."
"My son never liked swaddles so we just used sleep sacks!"
"We used the sleep sack starting at that age for the same reason."

Love to Dream Sleep Sack

"Love to dream is all that works for me."
"Love to dream sleep sack, worked wonders for us."
"Seconding love to dream. Mine hated her arms held down so we used that."
"Maybe try the love to dream sleep sack? It has it so their arms are still in the sack, but are positioned upwards."


"Woombie!! Really, any zipper kind."
"Baby won’t be able to escape."
"The woombie wrap&snap has a big baby size, and looks amazing."
"Lightweight jersey fabric with a mesh panel."


"It’s a little more pricey but totally worth the money."
"It’s spendy but you can use it from 2 months to 2 years."
"100% the best sack is Woolino."
"I moved her to a woolino sleep sack."


"We use the sleepea 5 second swaddle - it’s basically the same as the snoo swaddle without the little wings to clip them in."
"Best one is sleepea by happiest baby."
"There's a zippered 'bag' that goes over the swaddle straps so it's literally inescapable!"

Ollie Swaddle

"We loved the Ollie! It’s on the pricier side but totally worth it."
"Same story for me, Ollie made a huge difference."
"Can I ask what other swaddles you tried that the Ollie out performed?"

Batwing Swaddle

"Google the batwing swaddle. It’s just a wrapping technique using a flannel receiving blanket and a muslin blanket or similar."
"You should double swaddle. I had to do it with my girl."

Nested Bean

"The Zen One from Nested Bean has been fantastic for us."
"You can Swaddle arms down and then you can do arms up and out."

Tommee Tippee

"It zipped up which I found super easy for middle of the night changes."
"Got on really well with them and very easy to use."


"My son busted out of every swaddle because he hated his arms down."
"My first loved being swaddled."
"Call me crazy, but we stopped swaddling cold turkey around 4-6 weeks ish."
"I never swaddled either of my babies at all."

Halo Swaddle

"Halo swaddle.. you can swaddle her hands at her face if she’s been breaking out of them."
"I would do either the Merlin or Swaddle Sleeves with the Halo swaddle"

The Ollie

"The Ollie, hands down."
"The Ollie would accommodate your long LO."


"Merlin was truly magic for my kiddo- it muffles their movement so they don’t startle awake."
"We do the Snoo at night and all naps are in his crib in a Merlin suit."

Love to Dream Swaddles

"Love to dream swaddles because their arms are swaddled up around their head."
"My daughter didn’t like traditional swaddles but liked the love to dream swaddles with arms up."


"I LOVED Swaddlini."
"A friend who’s just had a baby is liking the Swaddelini."

Swaddle Up

"We used the swaddle up (May baby) with our first and it was great."
"I think that’s around the time we discovered the Swaddle Up. It worked great."

Miracle Blanket

"I swear by the miracle blanket swaddle."
"The miracle blanket worked great for our kiddo until he got strong enough to kick/punch out of it"

Love To Dream

"Love To Dream Swaddle UP Adaptive Original Swaddle Wrap- size small!"


"I used the Gro Swaddles with my eldest. She was a summer baby and they're really lightweight."

Burt's Bees Sleep Sack

"I’m personally a big fan of Burt’s Bees because they’re super soft."

Love to Dream Transition Swaddle

"The love to dream transition swaddles!!! I recommend these to everyone in my life."

Happiest Baby SleepSack Swaddle

"The happiest baby sleepsea swaddle has been great for us so far."

KYTE Baby Sacks

"I love kyte baby sacks."

Ergobaby Zip Up Swaddles

"Ended up getting the ergobaby zip up swaddles and they've been amazing!"

Love to Dream Transition Sleep Bag

"We’re using a lovetodream transition sleep bag and it’s been great!"

Amazing Baby Transition Sleep Sack

"The Amazing Baby transition sleep sack worked for my daughter."

Tommee Tippee Gro Bag

"Tommee Tippee gro bags for both kids. We love them!"

KYTE Baby Sleep Sack

"Kyte baby sleep sacks are very long with lots of room to grow."

Comfy Cubs Swaddle

"Comfy cubs are great! My little guy loves them."

Gunamuna Swaddle Sleep Sack Duvet

"Gunamuna swaddle sleep sack duvet was my favourite."

Burrito Baby Swaddle

"We loved using Burrito Baby... our daughter couldn’t settle in any other swaddle."

Magic Sleep Suit

"We are using the magic sleep suit for the transition and my guy seems to like it."

Tommee Tippee Swaddling

"I'd recommend these! Got on really well with them and very easy to use"

Nested Bean Zen One

"We bought Zen One from Nested Bean a little later and he loved that one more."


"He seems to love it - we call it his penguin outfit for how it makes him look"

Freshly Picked

"My baby stayed put in the swaddles from Freshly Picked."

Anna & Eve

"It was hands down the best thing to keep our baby's arms in."


"Our babe loves it."

Juicy Bumbles Swaddle

"I used a large muslin at first and then switched to a brand called Juicy Bumbles with velcro."

Summer Infant Swaddle

"I got the Summer Infant ones in a box of hand-me-downs and they were great."

Baby Merlin Sleep Suit

"We tried Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit it looks like the outfit from a Christmas story."


"The only sleep sack that worked for us was the Ergopouch."


"Amazon sells Yoofoos that work really well."

Swaddle Up 50/50

"I used the Swaddle Up 50/50 - one week with arms up, one week with one arm out, and after two weeks with both arms out she was able to sleep for more than 4 hours in a row."

SwaddleMe Sleep Sack

"Have you tried the swaddleme sleep sack?"


"I really liked the zipadee, and it had more longevity since it’s safe for rolling."

Summer Velcro Swaddle

"We liked the summer Velcro swaddle."

SwaddleMe Original

"We used the SwaddleMe Original in the preemie size."

Swado Swaddle

"Try Swado swaddle. It's not Velcro nor zipper, yet flexible adjustable."

Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle

"Use the halo sleep sack swaddle but just leave his arms out!"

Halo Transition Swaddle

"We used the halo swaddle and now are using the halo transition swaddle/sleep sack."

Love to Dream Arm's Up Swaddle

"The Love to Dream Arm's Up Swaddles have a transition version."

Halo Velcro Swaddle

"We use the halo Velcro swaddle/ sleep sack at night."

Love to Dream Zip Up Swaddle

"We used the zip up love to dream swaddles early on."

Tommee Tippee Gro Bag Swaddle

"We used the Tommee Tippee gro bag swaddles."

Little Seeds Velcro Swaddle

"We love the Little Seeds velcro swaddles."

Halo Swaddle Sleep Sack

"We used the halo swaddle sleep sacks with our little one who had hip dysplasia."

Ergobaby Swaddle

"I have an Ergobaby swaddle that was really good!"

Sleepea Swaddle

"The sleepea swaddle has mesh sections that have kept our LO cool."

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