"Get them the seestar S50. The can plop it down and go inside the house and run it off their ipad."
·"Seestar S30 or S50 sounds perfect for what you’re describing."
·"Don't try to build your own setup to do this if you have no idea what you're doing. A Seestar S50 or Dwarf III are the cheapest options."
·"I do think dwarf 3 or another Seestar will be the best for your situation."
·"How about a “robot” scope like the see star s50 or s30."
·"Something that is targeting imaging should be considered - like a Seestar S50."
·"Seestar s50. You can hold the iPad / iPhone at any height."
·"If it;s for kids, Id suggest: Seestar S30 (the latest) but for 150usd more, I d go forthe Seestar S50."
·"Most of the advice here is to get a dobsonian and that may be the best choice."
·"I have ordered a Seestar S50 smart telescope ($500) and also backed a campaign on Kickstarter called EduSnap 2-in-1 smart telescope."