"Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is probably the best book you could read at first."
·"The Conquest of Bread, The Communist Manifesto, and Anarcho-Syndicalism: Theory and Practice were the first three that I read and are pretty easy reads."
·"I’d recommend starting with “Marx’s Capital Illustrated.” It does a really good job of translating dense academic text into easily digestible language."
·"The Communist Manifesto is a surprisingly short and easy read. I wish I had read it when I was 13. Start there."
·"In terms of understanding Marxist economics, *Wage Labour and Capital* is an excellent introduction."
·"Principles of Communism, Engels is a straightforward read, almost like a Q&A for Marxism."
·"Wage, Labour and Capital, Marx is essential reading."
·"Value, Price and Profit, Marx is also significant."
·"First Chapter of Capital, Marx is a must-read."
·"Critique of the Gotha Program, Marx is another important work."