"Ironsworn is the best option for a self-contained system for solo, co-op, and GM guided."
·"Anything by Shawn Tomkin."
·"Ironsworn is the way to go, as long as your group isn't too big."
·"Checkout Ironsworn. It's free and a great gmless game."
·"Generally [Ironsworn](https://shawn-tomkin.itch.io/ironsworn)'s considered the best example of blending story-driven scenarios."
·"Try ironsworn, cairn or white box."
·"There's a number of games like Ironsworn out there that support either GMed play or what's called Co-op play."
·"It's part of the 'narrative' meta-family, based on Fate and PbtA."
·"Have you considered games that are explicitly meant for co-op or duet play? Something like Ironsworn or Starforged?"
·"I like Ironsworn, because it focuses on narrative."