Best vermouth on Reddit

430 reviews from r/cocktails, r/bourbon, r/Gin and 9 more subreddits

430 reviews from
By Brand
By Product


"Definitely Cocchi di Torino for a Negroni."
"Cocchi Vermouth Torino."
"Cocchi di Torino is my favorite."
"Cocchi really opened my eyes to vermouth."
"Cocchi Barolo Chinato!"
"Another for Cocchi Di Torino!"
"Cocchi Rosa is my personal favorite for a great Negroni."
"Cocchi has been my go-to for quite a while."
"Cocchi Torino for the W"
"Cocchi Torino and Cinzano are probably the most subtle."


"Dolin always on hand, Cocchi Torino once in awhile for a bit more character."
"Dolin is my go-to. Makes delicious manhattans without breaking the bank."
"I always find Dolin to be solid."
"Dolin dry vermouth is my go to."
"You can get Dolin (my choice), along with others."
"I actually use dolin dry as a line vermouth for martinis."
"Dolin and Tanqueray is my go-to."
"Dolin Blanc. This recipe from PUNCH is the best I've tried."
"Dolin is my new go to."
"My go-to dry vermouth is Dolin."


"Carpano classico. Right price, right flavor balance."
"Carpano Antico for everything."
"Carpano Antica is THE vermouth."
"2/3 Carpano 1/3 Dolin."
"Carpano Antica."
"Get some Carpano Antica and make yourself a Kingston Negroni."
"Carpano Antica or Cocchi Dupo Teatro for a Boulevardier."
"I like Carpano Classico over Antica Formula for most purposes"
"I usually always use carpano antica."
"My go to is either Carpano Antica or Cocchi di Torino."

Carpano Antica

"I personally prefer Carpano Antica, gives the right level of sweetness."
"Carpano antica for Manhattans."
"My first venture was a 50 ml bottle of Carpano Antica and thoroughly enjoyed it."
"Both Carpano Antico and punt e mes work well."
"You can't go wrong with Cocchi di Torino or Carpano Antica."
"Carpano Antica or Punt e Mes."
"Bourbon —> Carpano."
"Carpano antica is my go to vermouth."
"Been using carpano antica and dolin for some time now."
"Carpano Antica and angostura bitters."

Punt e Mes

"I have a bottle with a 50/50 mix of Punt e Mes and Dolin Rouge. Love it!"
"Punt e Mes was the first sweet vermouth that made me realise vermouth can be, and is, absolutely delicious."
"Punt E Mea for me."
"My favorite is Punt e Mes- see my above love amaro."
"Always punt e mes."
"Punt E Mes was by far my favorite."
"I love punt e mes for a vermouth with a bitter kick."
"I am firmly on team punt e mes though."
"O shit forgot about Punt e Mes."
"Punt e Mes would be my first rec if you like more bitterness."

Cocchi di Torino

"Cocci Di Torino > Carpano Antica > Punt E Mes > Dolin > Cinzano > Martini > other cheap vermouths"
"I’m a big fan of Cocchi di Torino."
"You can't go wrong with Cocchi di Torino or Carpano Antica."
"I like Cocchi di Torino and Carpano Antica Formula best."
"Cocchi di Torino."
"Cocchi di Torino is my go to, tastes great, easily available and often on offer!"
"I've come to the conclusion that Cocchi di Torino is the best for the Negroni."
"I like Cocchi di Torino."
"Cocchi do Torino for sure!"
"It’s my favorite for a Negroni and is a great pairing with Campari."

Dolin Rouge

"Dolin Rouge and Punt e Mes, depending on what you want."
"Dolin rouge is my favorite, but I have Carpano antica right now."
"Dolin Rouge is the most versatile and delicious sweet vermouth."
"The real secret sauce is a 50/50 mix of Dolin Rouge and Punt e Mas."
"My go to is dolin rouge."
"I make a house vermouth combining Dolin Rouge and Punt e Men in a 1:1 ratio."
"Dolin Rouge is pretty good too."
"Rye —> Dolin."
"I like Dolin Rouge or Cocchi as my sweet vermouth of choice."
"Second is Dolin Rouge for a cheaper option."

Noilly Prat

"The LC stopped carrying Noilly Pratt which was THE vermouth for making my martinis."
"I can't get Noilly Prat (which is my favorite, too). So I started making my own."
"Noilly Prat is my favorite!"
"Preferred spec is Sipsmith with Noilly Prat Original Dry."
"Definitely check out Noilly Prat - it has a savory quality to it."
"I really like Noilly Prat and Dolin for all vermouth."
"My favorite workhorse sweet vermouth is Noilly Prat."
"Same answer as everyone else. Noilly Prat for a cheaper but good option."
"My personal preference is to use Noilly Pratt."
"Noilly prat is more savory"


"I also like cinzano 1757 if you can find it."
"Im a big Cinzano fan. So that gets my vote."
"The Cinzano is the more traditional red vermouth and is a good product."
"IMO Cinzano is much superior while staying within the realm of readily available internationally cheap vermouth."
"Cinzano is a nice Vermouth. I am using it myself for cocktails and it is reasonably priced."
"Depends. Cinzano Negroni. Cocchi manahattan. Or 50/50 Dolin punt e e Mes."
"Cinzano is also pretty decent."
"I use Cinzano for everything."


"An unsung hero is Lustau which is unique, has good richness but isn’t sticky sweet and is fairly priced."
"Lustau is fantastic, get it either way if you're a fan of quality vermouth."
"I’m a big fan of Lustau White Vermouth for any use of white vermouth."
"I've liked Lustau and el bandarra for Manhattans."
"I’ve used those in Mediterranean style drinks in the past, and they’re quite tasty."
"Lustau which is unique, has good richness but isn’t sticky sweet and is fairly priced."
"I love Lustau but that price seems a high."
"I think Lustau would go well (and it's made with a sherry base.)"

Cocchi Vermouth di Torino

"Cocchi Vermouth di Torino."
"I find Cocchi to be the best vermouth overall for making cocktails."
"Cocchi Vermouth di Torino, then Dolin Rouge."
"Cocchi Vermouth di Torino"
"Sweet vermouth: Cocchi Vermouth di Torino."
"I have vacilated between Carpano Antica, Cocchi Vermouth di Torino and Punt e Mes."

Cocchi Torino

"Cocchi Torino IS the right choice. Equally effective in both the Manhattan and Negroni."
"I'd probably choose Cocchi Torino for sweet and Dolin for dry."
"Cocchi di torino for a lighter more fruit forward flavor."
"Here to vote for Cocchi, like so many others."
"Having tried Carpano Antica, Punt e Mes, Dolin and Cocchi di Torino I strongly recommend Cocchi."
"I honestly prefer cocchi di torino."
"A close second is Cocchi di Torino from Haus Alpenz."


"My favourite is still martini special riserva."
"Incredible stuff."
"I would absolutely recommend you consider Martini Speciale Rubino!"
"It's perfectly fine."
"Actually just plain old Martini brand vermouth is better than you'd think."
"I have generally disliked Martini & Rossi Rosso in a Negroni."
"It's pretty decent for the price point"
"I'd say start out with the Martini vermouth."

Del Professore

"I like Del Proffesore the most."
"My preference is hands-down Del Professore."
"A lot do flavour and makes for a really tasty martini."
"Good luck finding it, though."
"I picked up a bottle of Del Professore a little while ago and I can't say enough about it."
"My favorite recently has been Del Professore."

Dolin Dry

"Dolin Dry is my go-to."
"Dolin Dry is probably the top dog in that spot for a reason"
"Dolin Dry is good, as is Cinzano."
"Dolin Dry is good for floral"
"Dolin dry is a great choice."

Cocchi Americano

"Not technically a vermouth, but Cocchi Americano is amazing."
"Cocchi americano not an option?"
"Cocchi americano, suze, dolin, and lo-fi dry vermouth all work well for white negronis"
"You can, however, use Cocchi Americano in the wonderful Corpse Reviver No. 2!"
"I like using Cocchi Americano and some orange bitters in my martini."


"Vya and Qunitinye Royale are my two favorite."
"Recently tried Vya and really enjoyed it."
"Vya makes excellent vermouths."
"For an American dry vermouth, try Vya."
"Carpano for a little vanilla to smooth it out or Vya for a bit of spice."


"I prefer Spanish vermouths, such as Lacuesta Reserva"
"Martinez Lacuesta for me."
"Try Spanish vermouths: Primitivo Quiles, Yzaguirre, Lacuesta, Vidte."

Dry Vermouth

"Dry vermouth plus a splash of fresh lemon juice is my go to sub for white wine."
"Dry, white vermouth works as white wine in any recipe."
"Dry vermouth is my go to white wine substitute."
"2 ounces rye or bourbon whiskey, 1 ounce dry vermouth, 2 dashes Angostura or orange bitters"
"You might do rye and dry vermouth though that would be a bit much for me."


"It’s my favorite dry vermouth and it really sang in this cocktail."
"I *just* picked up LoFi from the store, and I've been LOVING it."
"If you ever come across Lo-Fi anywhere its great!"
"Anyone try out Lo-Fi's dry and sweet vermouths?"


"I went to Atlas Bar in Singapore and they use a 50/50 mix of Mancino and Punt E Mes."
"I'm a big fan of Mancino."
"I love Mancino."
"Mancino and Yzaguirre (among other things) and those are both very tasty for cocktails or on rocks."


"Antica is king."
"You've just listed the three best sweet vermouths on the American market."
"My family loves both Antica and Coochi in Negorni’s."


"My go-to is always Lillet Blanc."
"I find Lillet Blanc to be the best, personally."
"I've used Lillet Rouge exclusively for my negronis."

Lillet Blanc

"I'm a huge fan of Lillet Blanc in 5:1 Martini."
"I like lillet blanc the best, even though it’s not really a vermouth."
"Monkey 47 + Lillet Blanc."

Carpano Classico

"Carpano Classico and Cocchi Vermouth di Torino are my top two sweet vermouths."
"Carpano Classico."
"Carpano Classico - it's not the most complex, but its mild flavors let the spirit shine."


"Belsazar is a German brand id highly recommend."
"Try the Belsazar range of vermouths, I fell in love with the white one."

Martini Rosso

"Martini Rosso is delicious in a Negroni."
"An Dúlamán Maritime Gin; Martini Rosso; Campari."
"How bad is Martini Rosso compared to Cocchi or Carpano?"


"Rockwell Vermouth out of California is great stuff, both the dry and the sweet."
"It's made in California, and is truly an excellent workhorse Vermouth for Manhattans, Negroni, Boulivardier, etc."

Vya Sweet Vermouth

"I also enjoy Vya Sweet Vermouth a lot."
"1 oz Vya sweet vermouth."

Martini & Rossi

"Martini Rosso is my preferred vermouth for a Negroni."
"M&R, while not the best choice out there, makes a perfectly serviceable Negroni."
"Also, avoid Martino and Rossi dry vermouth."


"Try Spanish vermouths: Primitivo Quiles, Yzaguirre, Lacuesta, Vidte."
"Mancino and Yzaguirre (among other things) and those are both very tasty for cocktails or on rocks."


"If you can find Bordiga, Fred Jerbis, Saint Agrestis Inferno Bitter or Le Sot de l’Ange grab them."
"I like Bordiga white vermouth. A little pricey but worth it."


"Vermut Martínez Lacuesta Rojo."
"I'm going to go massively against the grain here and suggest Martinez Lacuesta."

Cocchi Dopo Teatro

"I’ve recently discovered Cocchi Dopo Teatro which is what they describe as a vermouth Amaro."
"A bit more of a bite."

Cinzano Extra Dry

"Cinzano extra dry or Lilet blanc for me."
"Both easy to find and affordable but work in just about everything I’ve tried."

Dolin Blanc

"Dolin Blanc and Noilly Pratt Original French Dry, for traditional martinis."
"Dolin blanc and beefeater."

M&R Vermouth

"I use M&R vermouth mostly because I want both vermouths to be the same brand."
"I prefer M&R."

Martini Rossi

"Martini rossi is not bad at all, but it is more astringent and less sweet than other vermouth ( it tastes a lot like oregano) It really depends what aspects of the campari and gin you want to highlight."
"I’m not saying Martini Rossi is the best vermouth ever."

La Quintinye Vermouth Rouge

"La Quintinye Vermouth Rouge was the vermouth used in the winning Boulevardier specs for"

Gonzalez Byass La Copa Extra Seco

"I've been swearing by Gonzalez Byass La Copa Extra Seco."

Carpano Antica Formula

"I like Cocchi di Torino and Carpano Antica Formula best."

Volume Primo

"If you can find it Volume Primo is excellent."


"My favorite sweet vermouth is Vincenzi."

Primitivo Quiles

"Try Spanish vermouths: Primitivo Quiles, Yzaguirre, Lacuesta, Vidte."


"Try Spanish vermouths: Primitivo Quiles, Yzaguirre, Lacuesta, Vidte."

Starlino Rosso

"Starlino rosso makes for an excellent Manhattan."


"I like Rittenhouse and Punt e Mes."

Dolin Vermouth de Chambéry Rouge

"The real killer Manhattan vermouth is Dolin Vermouth de Chambéry Rouge."

Vermut Lustau

"Vermut Lustau."

Cocchi Americano Rosso

"Beautiful, sweet, red, and a great balance to the Campari and gin."

Padro & Co Rojo Classico

"Is far and away my favorite."

Fred Jerbis

"For the last 6 months or so, I’ve been using Fred Jerbis Vermut and it’s been a fantastic upgrade to my Manhattan."

Dry Madeira

"If you can get it anywhere, try dry madeira - it would add interesting woody/caramel notes."

Cocchi Dry

"Cocchi dry is my favourite for a standard martini."


"Check out an Australian Vermouth called Maidenii."


"My favorite is only local: Capitoline."

Lille Blanc

"I like Lille Blanc in my Gin Martinis."

Drappo Tourin Dry Vermouth

"Drappo Tourin dry vermouth. Super cheap, and delicious."

Foro Rosso

"I had a bottle of Foro recently and it's very interesting."

Martini Bianco

"Martini bianco or dolin blanc are both ones I would recommend."


"Prefer Sipsmith among the easily available ones."


"Try Comoz Blanc!"


"The Bourbon Pursuit podcast guys raved about Starlino vermouth out of Italy."

Lofi Gentian Amaro

"Pretty affordable and very fun to play with."

Hotel Starlino Rosso

"Think I might stick with it."


"The third I enjoy that I didn't see mentioned elsewhere in the thread is Poli."


"If you wanted something lighter and more floral then Contratto is great."


"Campari is lovely and heavier and spiced and woody."

Martini & Rossi Riserva Speciale Rubino


Carpano Dry

"Carpano Dry I feel does not get its due."

Vya Extra Dry

"Vya Extra Dry forever."


"My go to is currently Noilly but I’m open to suggestions."


"Botanist and Carpano."

Cap Corse Quinquina Vermouth

"I love Uncle Val's gin (from California) with Cap Corse quinquina vermouth."

Death & Co. House Sweet Vermouth

"The Death & Co. “house” sweet vermouth is also very good."

Regal Rogue Lively White

"The Regal Rogue ‘lively white’ is sweet; the ‘daring dry’ would be what I’d reach for."

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