"So far on my Vue / Nuxt journey I have found this pretty useful: ... Udemy - Vue JS 3: The Composition API... "
·"I really enjoyed Maximilian Schwarzmüller's Vue course on Udemy. After taking the course I felt proficient and comfortable using Vue at my current job, which uses Vue."
·"Great explanation of how things work and how to integrate, with next-level demos."
·"Great explanation of how things work and how to integrate, with next-level demos."
·"Stephen Ulibarri's C++ and Blueprint courses are highly recommended for Unreal Engine."
·"Really really good stuff"
·"The instructor patiently takes the time to explain concepts and creates context using their real-life experience in the IT field."
·"The instructor patiently takes the time to explain concepts and creates context using their real-life experience in the IT field."
·"I personally like his courses and style of teaching, he's pretty informative and easy to listen and follow."
·"I personally like his courses and style of teaching, he's pretty informative and easy to listen and follow."