"I've used them for years without issue and their uptime and reliability is excellent."
·"Some really good web hosts now for Wordpress include A2 hosting, bluehost."
·"Personally i really like A2."
·"A2 Hosting is definitely a top choice for performance."
·"I really like A2. Their customer service is friendly, helpful, and efficient."
·"I switched to A2 Hosting because it's solid, reliable, and affordable."
·"I’d recommend going with A2 Hosting. Their customer service is top-notch, and they really prioritize helping you out when you need it."
·"A2 Hosting is known for its strong uptime and fast performance, which are crucial for SEO."
·"A2 Hosting offers excellent speed and performance, which are critical for keeping your site ranking well."
·"They're fast and reliable. They have 23/7 support too."