Best wheel cleaner on Reddit

178 reviews from r/AutoDetailing, r/Detailing, r/Wheels and 16 more subreddits

178 reviews from
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"I use P&S Brake Buster."
"Overall my fav would be ps21 gel wheel cleaner."
"Brake Buster and Detail Factory synthetic brush."
"Are excellent."
"I dilute 1:1 but can be used straight."
"P&s brake buster is a great staple."
"P & S brake buster is what you’re looking for."
"Brake buster."
"Try out P&S knock off."
"I also vote for P&S Brake Buster."


"- SONAX Wheel Cleaner Plus"
"Hands down the best stuff out there."
"I haven't found anything that beats Sonax."
"Sonax is safe for painted calipers, and the best I've found for it."
"Sonax Full Effect or Extreme Full Effect. I've never looked back."
"I highly recommend Sonax Full Effect wheel cleaner."
"I’ve been using sonax wheel cleaner and it’s truly amazing."
"It is tough to find better than Sonax Full Effect."
"Sonax and iron-x are amazing products."


"Has gotten everything ive thrown at it off"
"I love Meguiars Hot Rims Wheel and Tire."
"It makes short work of that kind of thing."
"Meguiars ultimate all wheel cleaner."
"Meguires wheel cleaner for brake dust."
"I’ve had good luck with meguries d143 Nona cid cleaner."
"Great stuff great price."
"I’ve been using meguires d143 for a non-acid cleaner."
"Does a great job and is super easy to grab off the shelf anywhere."
"Should cover all your bases."

Koch Chemie

"Koch Chemie Magic Wheel Cleaner (MWC)"
"Follow up with Koch chemie magic wheel cleaner if it’s really bad."
"Koch Chemie AWH and MWC if you need iron remover."
"If it’s caked on, use MWC from Kochs chemie."
"Koch Chemie Magic Wheel Cleaner (MWC) is very strong and effective."
"Really foams up under slight agitation and is like a gel when sprayed on."
"Koch chemie magic wheel cleaner."
"Works great"


"As long as you know how to use it correctly and wear the appropriate PPE, Meguiars D140 Wheel Brightener does a very good job."
"I've never had an issue with marring or damage."
"I just wash my wheels with my carwash left over in the bucket at the end of my wash."
"Megs ultimate wheel cleaner will be fine."
"If you want something local, probably meguiar’s."
"Anything heavier gets 1 application of meguiars wheel brightener."
"Iron x/remover. i use meguiars."
"Stick with the safer ones like Meguiars, Eagle One, P21, Griots."
"I tried a few stuff like wheel cleaners and tire gel and didn’t find it better than generic brands."
"It's pretty strong stuff. The one time I used it, it cleaned the chrome coating right off my wheel."

Bilt Hamber

"Bilt Hamber never fails so never tried anything else."
"If you’re somewhere where it’s more affordable then keep using it, it’s the best of the best."
"Bilt hamber auto wheel."
"Bilt hamber auto wheel."
"I've never looked back. I use it about once a month and in-between I use car shampoo."
"I use bilt hamber auto wheel, non acid and seems pretty strong, one of the best I’ve used."
"It smells like eggy ass but honestly it's worth it."

Brake Buster

"Brake buster works perfect."
"Is my go to."
"For me on basic mild cleans brake buster for hard hitting baked on stuff dark fury."
"Works well."
"For wheels."
"Works pretty good."


"One of the strongest non-acid wheel cleaners out there."
"Is probably the strongest non-acid wheel cleaner out there."
"I use Adams Wheel Cleaner or Sonax Full Effect."
"That is probably one of the best."
"My favorite wheel and tire cleaner is Adams."
"I recently switched to adams when and tire cleaner."

Griot's Garage

"The regular Griot’s is safe to use on all wheels."
"I use griots heavy duty wheel cleaner and haven’t had any issues with it."
"Griots Heavy Duty wheel cleaner will be up your alley."
"I prefer myself."
"Is available at autozone."
"Griots heavy duty wheel cleaner is what I use."


"My personal favorite is Adam’s Wheel and tire cleaner."
"P&S for interior and Adam's Wheel & Tire cleaner... i buy them in gallons."
"Adam's Tire and Wheel cleaner."
"I use Adam’s for everything."
"Hit it with any iron remover first then something like adams or turtle wax hybrids wheel cleaner."
"Adams wheel and tire cleaner is def a no go full strength. Its extreme pH and can kill weaker coatings."

Adam's Wheel and Tire Cleaner

"I’m a fan of Adam’s Wheel and Tire Cleaner."
"Adam's Wheel and Tire cleaner, mixed with water, 1:1 ratio."
"Adam’s wheel and tire is what I use on my tundra TRD wheels"
"Adam’s wheel and tire cleaner or DIY Detail All Clean diluted 15:1."
"Adams Wheel & Tire or Adams Wheel Cleaner are good options as well."

Superior Products

"Dark fury by superior products"
"Some other options that I like are superior products dark fury."
"I use Superior Products Dark Fury diluted 4:1."
"It's a concentrate that's available in gallon form."


"For best results and ease of use but high price: - AmmoNYC Plum"
"I'm a big fan of Ammo Plum."
"Order AMMO PLUM from ammonyc. Worth every dollar."

Chemical Guys

"I use Chemical Guys Diablo Wheel Cleaner. Works well."
"Chemical guys stuff is pretty good."
"Chemical Guys brand Diablo wheel cleaner. Bright red liquid in a clear bottle."
"Skip the chem guys. Mostly water."

Meguiar's All Wheel Cleaner

"Meguiars all wheel cleaner is my favorite basic budget product for most wheels."
"Meguiars All Wheel cleaner (black bottle) is a much safer cleaner for all wheel types."
"I prefer Meguiars All Wheel Cleaner or D143 Non-Acid cleaner at about the same price."

Bilt Hamber Auto Wheel

"We stock Bilt Hamber Auto Wheel and Infinity Wax Incinerate."
"I always loved bilt chamber auto wheel more than any other brand."
"I like Bilt Hamber Auto Wheels, it's a pH neutral, water-based wheel cleaner."

P&S Brakebuster

"P&S Brakebuster is what I use and love."
"P&S Brakebuster. Look it up on yt. Has a lot of fans."


"I just used it for the first time on my wheels - they have never looked cleaner."
"Yes it is definitely the best."


"Hyperclean Fuego for sure!"
"Hyperclean Fuego"

Dark Fury

"Dark fury, dilute 4:1 work quickly and don’t let it dry."
"I would hit with iron remover and acid and then scrub with dark fury or pink perfection."

Iron X

"Iron X. Plain and simple."
"Iron X is one of the stronger iron removers on the market."

Turtle Wax

"Does an amazing job, the smell isn't good tho."
"That turtlewax stuff that turns red does wonders on my wheels."

Simple Green

"I use simple green. Works well."
"I use simplegreen primarily for wheels but also in engine bay."

Wheel Cleaner

"It's a decent heavy duty wheel cleaner. The only thing that would be stronger is wheel acid."
"A good ole wheel cleaner brush and soap and water is what I use. Cheap and effective."

Armor All

"Works really good, sprays on quick and just put 2-3 coats."


"It doesn't cause any problems with any of the Volvo wheels."


"D1801 works great and should be safe for chrome."

White Lightning

"I love that stuff."

Spray Nine

"That stuff works wonders."

Wheel Acid

"Skip all the others and just use this. Trust me."

Superior Dark Fury

"Superior Dark Fury is my go-to."

Griots Heavy Duty Rim Cleaner

"Griots heavy duty rim cleaner, perfect for all finishes and does the job great."

P&S Knock Off

"I really like to use P&S Knock Off, especially in a foamer."

Chemical Guys Gel Wheel Cleaner

"Coat the rim in something like Chemical Guys gel wheel cleaner/distilled water mix."

Meguiar's Hot Rims Wheel Cleaner

"I've had good luck with Meguiar's Hot Rims wheel cleaner."

Simple Green Cleaner

"I use simple green, takes everything off without much effort."


"Easiest being a product like hydro2lite/wetcoat."


"If I were you, I would clean those wheels as good as I could and then put a ceramic coating on those wheels."


"If I really need to clean them up, Nanoskin Speedy Brite Organic Acid."


"I used a wheel cleaner called Powerbrite."

Alloy Brite

"I break out the Alloy Brite when things are bleak."

Car Pro

"I would use a typical non acid wheel cleaner you can get almost anywhere….then I would follow with a reputable iron remover like car pro."

Sonax Beast

"Best is subjective. Sonax beast or Koch Chemie magic wheel would be some of the strongest consumer grade."

Koch Chemie Magic Wheel

"Koch Chemie magic wheel would be some of the strongest consumer grade."

Gyeon Iron Wheel Cleaner

"I use gyeon iron wheel cleaner and a ph neutre soap."

Majestic Solutions

"Check out Majestic Solutions, can order on line."



Hyperclean Fuego

"Hyperclean fuego is perfect for this."

P&S Brake Buster

"Brake buster for well maintained."

Meguiar's D143 Non Acid Cleaner

"If you have very dusty brakes meguires d143 non acid cleaner works well."

Carpro Iron X

"So to remove iron I like iron X from carpro."

Malco Fast Shot

"I picked up a gallon of Malco Fast Shot for $24."

Meguiar's Wheel Brightener

"For extreme cleaning, meguiars wheel brightener acid cleaner."

Chemical Guys Diablo Wheel Cleaner

"Chemical Guys brand Diablo wheel cleaner."

Meguiar's Non-Acid Wheel Cleaner

"After some research, I found many people recommending Meguiars Non-Acid Wheel Cleaner."

Castrol Purple Power Degreaser

"Castrol Purple Power degreaser. It takes nearly everything off dirty wheels."

Meguiar's Ultimate All Wheel Cleaner

"Meguiar’s ultimate all wheel cleaner. Well sparingly, it’s pricey but kinda works."

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