"Scrivener is great for beginners, providing all the essentials you need to craft your story from start to finish."
·"It's just so brilliant for moving stuff around and writing ahead and then coming back."
·"Scrivener lets me move scenes around, import outlines, and track my writing goals."
·"Scrivener is worth it. Just read the tutorials and go on YouTube to watch the tutorials. I absolutely love it."
··"I find it's a lot easier to stay organized there than in a normal word processor."
·"Scrivener is worth it once you decide what works for you and stick to those functions."
·"Scrivener is a great program, especially with tutorials."
·"I use it as well, but I feel like I'm not using it to its full potential. Are there any good guides out there for it?"
·"Scrivener has unique features that are very useful."