Best ya books on Reddit

353 reviews from r/suggestmeabook, r/YAlit, r/Fantasy and 6 more subreddits

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Leigh Bardugo

"Six of Crows: Heist, Venecian-inspired setting"
"{Six of crows by Leigh bardugo}"
"{shadow and bone by Leigh bardugo}"
"It's a duology, has action, heists, magic, criminals."
"Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo."
"Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom are good."
"Totally changed the game for me and got me back into fantasy."
"Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bones series"
"The first book, Six of Crows, is one of the best books I’ve read in a long while."
"Anything in the Grishaverse, but definitely Six of Crows."

John Green

"I can highly recommend John Green's YA books"
"Can’t go wrong with John Green, but The Fault in Our Stars is excellent."
"The Fault in Our Stars."
"Anything by John Green - angsty teen, but also well written, worth reading, and stick with you."
""The Fault in Our Stars" and "Looking for Alaska," both by John Green."
"Looking For Alaska by John Greene was one of my favorite books I read in my young teens"
"Looking for Alaska by John Green."
"The Fault in Our Stars, beautiful sad story."
"Anything by John Green."
"I adore John Green."

Neal Shusterman

"Anything Neal Shusterman! I would say the Unwind series specifically."
"I cannot sing it’s praises loud enough."
"The Unwind series by Neal Shusterman."
"Unwind by Shusterman… Also… Challenger Deep—its beautiful and heart wrenching"
"As others mentioned Scythe is great."
"The Arc of a Scythe series - dystopian/sci-fi."
"A particular favorite is Unwind."
"Arc of the Scythe series! So good!!!!"
"This is the first book in a YA dystopian series."
"Unwind by Neal Shusterman is pretty good."

Brandon Sanderson

"Mistborn by brandon sanderson!"
"Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson."
"Skyward by Brandon Sanderson."
"Steelheart series by Brandon Sanderson."
"{Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson} might be one students would enjoy!"
"Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. Has romance but the focus is on stopping evil superheroes."
"I frequently see the first Mistborn Trilogy with adult fiction and YA."
"I frequently see the first Mistborn Trilogy with adult fiction and YA."
"Eg - Skyward"

Garth Nix

"Have you read the Old Kingdom series (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) by Garth Nix?"
"Fantastic all age fantasy."
"The Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series by Garth Nix."
"*Sabriel* by Garth Nix."
"The Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix."
"It’s AMAZING, one of my favorites."
"More SciFi/Dystopian."
"Earthsea Sabriel His Dark Materials... "

Philip Pullman

"His Dark Materials"
"To me, *His Dark Materials* is THE young adult series that has stood the test of time."
"Book one of His Dark Materials."
"It might be YA, but it's a masterpiece."
"I love BOOKS!"
"His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman."
"(anything by Pullman, really)."
"Earthsea Sabriel His Dark Materials... "

Neil Gaiman

"Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman"
"The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman"
"Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman"
"*The Graveyard Book* by Neil Gaiman."
"The graveyard book- neil Gaiman Boy is orphaned near a graveyard and raised by the ghost and a vampire."
"I loved it."
"*Neverwhere* and *The Graveyard Book* (both by Neil Gaiman) are really wonderful YA novels."
"*Neverwhere* and *The Graveyard Book* (both by Neil Gaiman) are really wonderful YA novels."
"Earthsea Sabriel His Dark Materials... "

Pierce Brown

"I'm going to suggest some YA in a range of genres."
"Recently, I have really enjoyed Red Rising by Pierce Brown"
"Is really good!"
"*Red Rising* by Pierce Brown. It is amazing!"
"I second red rising- ngl at 17 young adult might be a little juvenile for them."
"Red Rising by Pierce Brown."
"If she like Hunger Games, might I suggest Red Rising?"
"As a trilogy the red rising series is for me."

Suzanne Collins

"The Hunger Games: Heavy dystopian themes"
"Hunger games for sure and I loved rainbow rowells “carry on” series."
"Hunger Games."
"Hunger Games is still very beloved."
"The Hunger Games is a great story."
"The Hunger Games series is my favorite books."
"The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins."
"I'm going to be "That guy" and recommend *The Hunger Games*... "

Terry Pratchett

"The Wee free men by Terry Pratchett"
"Nation by Terry Pratchett"
"The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett. Part of the Tiffany Aching Series, which I love."
"It's probably his best book, which is saying a lot."
"It kind of have me a sense of who I was and something to grow towards."
"Nation by Sir Terry Pratchett."
"{{ Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett }} It is the start of a series, but is a great book on its own."
"Is well worth reading."

James Dashner

"The classics like hunger games, divergent, fifth wave, maze runner."
"When he was 17 last year, I started reading Maze Runner and gave it to him when I finished. He ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT."
"Maze runner was fantastic!!"
"These are all really good books and I recommend them a lot."
"The Maze Runner, definitely one anyone can enjoy if you're into dystopian sort of novels."
"Not a standalone but The Maze Runner might pique their interest!"
"Maze Runner is a trilogy but otherwise I think hits all the marks!"
"Have you read The Maze Runner or Across the Universe?"

Marie Lu

"Legend trilogy by Marie Lu."
"The Young Elites by Marie Lu is an awesome one!"
"The Young Elites series by her is also really good."
"Legend by Marie Lu."
"Any of Marie Lu’s series would recommend the Young Elites series first"
"The young elites (by marie lu just like legend)."
"Legend by Marie Lu."

Tamora Pierce

"I second tamora Pierce."
"Anything by Tamora Pierce or Robin McKinley (not all are YA but all are great)."
"Check out Tamora Pierce and Cornelia Funke."
"You can never go wrong with Tamora Pierce."
"**Tempests and Slaughter** by Tamora Pierce."
"**Tempests and Slaughter** by Tamora Pierce."
"Tamora Pierce doesn’t always include a romance, but she’s definitely YA."

Rick Riordan

"I feel like something short and full of action can hook any person into reading."
"Percy Jackson! its a series but theres no romance until later books."
"This isn't YA technically, but Percy Jackson book series is perfect!"
"Percy Jackson series is great."
"The one that my friends and I keep coming back to from when we were younger is the Percy Jackson series."
"Percy Jackson books."

Orson Scott Card

"Ender's Game by Oson Scott Card. My sons loved this book."
"*Ender's Game* by Orson Scott Card."
"Ender's Game for sci fi."
"This is a good book, would give lots to talk about in a book club too."
"Enders Game."
"I saw Ender's Game mentioned, and would add Ender's Shadow."

Rainbow Rowell

"Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell."
"Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell was a totally unexpected find for me."
"Eleanor & Park, Fangirl & Carry On by Rainbow Rowell."
"Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell really surprised me."
"A favorite."
"Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell"

Patrick Ness

"The Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness."
"I'm going to suggest some YA in a range of genres."
"The Maze Runner series."
"I am on a Patrick Ness kick. Fantastic YA author."
"Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness."
"Aaah a chance to recommend BOOKS!"

Ernest Cline

"Ready Player One by Ernest Cline."
"Ready Player One by Ernest Cline"
"Ready Player One was the first that came to mind for me."
"Ready Player One by Ernest Cline."
"Would be good for that age too."

Angie Thomas

"The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas."
"The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas."
"The hate you give by Angie Thomas."
"I can’t recommend The Hate U Give strongly enough."
"The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas."

Sabaa Tahir

"An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir."
"An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir is fantastic as well."
"An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir."
"An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir."
"I really enjoyed An Ember in the Ashes and its sequels."

Maggie Stiefvater

"The Raven Cycle: Magic realism, found-family"
"They’re books I’ll never stop recommending because of how impactful they were to me."
"The Raven Boys series by Maggie Stiefvater."
"Is a fantastic series about a group of friends."

Jonathan Stroud

"You could check out the bartemeaus books by Johnathan stroud"
"Lockwood and Co by Jonathan Stroud! Binged all 5. :)"
"Lockwood & Co series by Jonathan Stroud."
"The Bartimaeus books by Jonathan Stroud are quite good."
"Thought they were brilliant."

S.E. Hinton

"The Outsiders by SE Hinton"
"Historical fiction about teenagers in greaser gangs in the 50s."
"The Ousiders (followed by anything by SE Hinton)."
"The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton."
"*The Outsiders* by S.E. Hinton"

Eoin Colfer

"The Artemis Fowl books are geared to a younger audience."
"First book is fine by read by itself, has smart male protagonist."
"Artemis Fowl! If you haven't read that yet."
"The characters are great."
"I really enjoyed the Artemis Fowl series."

Cory Doctorow

"Little Brother by Cory Doctorow has a romance subplot."
"*Little Brother* by Cory Doctorow, and if you like it, the sequel is coming out the next month."
"Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, and if you like it, the sequel is coming out."
"[Little Brother]( by Cory Doctorow. Available online for free, see the link."
"*Little Brother* by Cory Doctorow."

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

"The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes."
"The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes."
"The Naturals series for mystery."
"The inheritance games is also super good with a lot of plottwists."
"The inheritance games. idc what anyone says I'm in LOVE with it."

Joe Abercrombie

"Is hand-down my favorite YA series."
"Hope and Red, the first book in the Empire of Storms trilogy is fantastic as are the other two books."
"I'm a fan of the *Shattered Sea* trilogy by Joe Abercrombie."
"Three books."
"As someone who generally dislikes YA I found it to be really really good."

Stephen Chbosky

"I loved it."
"Definitely check out The Perks of Being a Wallflower if you liked John Green."
"Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Looking for Alaska. Two must read books."
"Perks of being a wallflower. When I was young... "
"The Eragon series, The Perks of Being a Wallflower... "

Andy Weir

"Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir fits every thing on your list."
"The Martian."
"The Martian and Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir."
"The Martian and Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir."

Nicola Yoon

"About a girl who can’t leave her house."
"A favorite."
"Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon"

Holly Black

"The cruel prince by holly black (folk of the air series)"
"{the cruel Prince by holly black}"
"I bet they would love the selection series! Maybe cruel prince."
"I will never stop recommending these books!"

Sarah J. Maas

"Very long but very good series."
"I recommend Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass."
"Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas."
"I’m currently reading the Throne of Glass series. It’s rated one of the best YA fantasy series of 2018."

Courtney Summers

"Sadie by Courtney Summers. If you like audiobooks, the audiobook for it is spectacular."
"Sadie by Courntey Summers."
"Anything written by Courtney Summers, my favorite is Sadie."

Maureen Johnson

"Maureen Johnson - start with truly devious!"
"Maureen Johnson has some great murder mysteries that I really enjoyed - specifically the Truly Devious & Name of the Star series."
"Truly Devious series it's a good one."
"Maureen Johnson’s Truly Devious series."

Scott Westerfeld

"Uglies by Scott Westerfield."
"This series is my absolute favorite and my teacher recommended it to me."
"Uglies - Westerfeld."
"Uglies by Scott Westerfeld."

Christopher Paolini

"Is a pretty fun series and I didn't see it mentioned yet."
"Eragon The giver Divergent series"
"Is a great YA book."
"The Eragon series, The Perks of Being a Wallflower... "

Victoria Aveyard

"The first book that got me into YA was Red Queen."
"Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard."
"A favorite."

The Book Thief

"The Book Thief. Highly recommend!"
"How did no one say The Book Thief yet?"
"Also fiction and YA: The Book Thief. It is a favorite of almost anyone who has read it."

Benjamin Alire Sáenz

"You can try reading Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe."
"They Both Die at the End."
"Male Friendships: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz."

Laini Taylor

"The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series is probably one of my first YA fantasy reads."
"Anything by the author Laini Taylor."
"Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor definitely deserves a shout out."

Six of Crows

"The Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo."
"Six of Crows- Leigh Bardugo."
"Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is a 10/10 in my eyes."


"Graceling series by Kristin Cashore."
"Graceling by Kristin Cashore."
"Graceling by Kristin Cashore."

Lois Lowry

"The Giver, the Hunger Games series, and the Perks of Being a Wallflower"
"*The Giver* by Lois Lowry."
"Can never go wrong with The Giver."

His Dark Materials

"His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman."
"His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman, The Golden Compass is the first book."
"I still really enjoy the His Dark Materials (the Golden Compass, etc) trilogy."

Marissa Meyer

"The characters are 👌🏻 and I find the plot of the series pretty unique."
"The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer"
"The Lunar Chronicles are really good."

The Maze Runner

"The maze runner series definitely!!"
"The Maze Runner series by James Daschner"
"The Maze Runner series if you haven’t read those."

Diana Wynne Jones

"*Howl's Moving Castle* and the other two books in Dianna Wynne Jones's trilogy."
"Classic for good reason"

J.K. Rowling

"The Harry Potter series has been very enjoyable for me."
"Still means a lot to me."
"*The Hobbit* and *The Lord of the Rings*, *The Chronicles of Narnia*, the *Harry Potter* series... "

Paolo Bacigalupi

"Paolo Bacigalupi has several YA series that are really fascinating and have pretty much zero romance."
"*Ship Breaker* by Paolo Bacigalupi. It is a dystopian novel, and totally a guys sort of book."
"I second Ship Breaker - really good fun!"

Jeff Zentner

"Jeff Zentner — The Serpent King — won the Morris Award in 2017"
"* **The Serpent King** by Jeff Zentner * **Wink Poppy Midnight** by April Genevieve Tucholke * **Highly Illogical Behavior** by John Corey Whaley * **The Female of the Species** by Mindy McGinnis * **Crooked Kingdom** by Leigh Bardugo * **Last Seen Leaving** by Caleb Roehrig * **When the Moon Was Ours** by Anna-Marie McLemore * **The Sun is Also a Star** by Nicola Yoon "
"Maybe give The Serpent King and In The Wild Light by Jeff Zentner."

E. Lockhart

"They all really liked it."
"We Were Liars by E. Lockhart are my top two new YA titles for this year."

Ruta Sepetys

"*I Must Betray You*, Ruta Sepetys."
"Anything by Ruta Sepetys - Fountains of Silence, Beyond Shades of Gray, and I Must Betray You are excellent."
"It is historical fiction so I feel like that appeals to a large audience."

Ursula K. Le Guin

"Earthsea Sabriel His Dark Materials... "

Sherman Alexie

"The absolutely true diary of a part time Indian by Sherman Alexei."
"The absolutely true diary of a part time Indian by Sherman Alexie."
"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie"

John Flanagan

"Im on book 7 of 12 right now and I think its definitely the best UA series."
"John Flanagan or Tamora Pierce."
"I adore the series."

James Patterson

"Honestly I loved the Maximum Ride series."
"Any of James Patterson's maximum ride."

Illuminae Files

"The Illuminae Files by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman."
"Some of my favorites… Illuminae Files."


"Divergent Series by Veronica Roth."
"Also recommend Divergent and Maze Runner series."

The Hunger Games

"The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins"
"The Hunger Games 100%."

The Fault in Our Stars

"The Fault in Our Stars - John Green."
"The Fault in Our Star by John Green."

Benjamin Alire Saenz

"Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz"
"Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Benjamin Alire Saenz)"

Gabrielle Zevin

"For something a bit different and less standard genre leaning YA you could try Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin."
"I Hunt Killers series is great. Literary fiction - try Gabrielle Zevin’s YA especially Elsewhere."

Jennifer Niven

"They Both Die at the End."
"All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven"

Last Night at the Telegraph Club

"Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo."
"One of my top 3 favorite books of all time is a YA novel I read at 25 years old: *Last Night At The Telegraph Club* by Malinda Lo."

Markus Zusak

"The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak."
"The Book Thief by Markus Zusak."

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

"Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets ofof the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz - another two book series"
"Not sci-fi, but Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is an 11/10 book."

Melina Marchetta

"Try Melina Marchetta."
"Amazing fantasy trilogy!"


"Unwind which stays great thru every book in the series."
"Unwind, Unwholly, and Undivided are all fantastic."

Michael Scott

"The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel."
"The Nicholas Flammel series by Michael Scott."

Brandon Mull

"Fablehaven Series by Brandon Mull is really great."
"Fablehaven by Brandon Müll is a pretty fun read."


"The Lunar Chronicles is still one of my favorites to this day."
"I don't normally read YA, but enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles well enough."

V.E. Schwab

"A darker shade of magic is a favorite of mine."
"Is pretty good."

Laurie Halse Anderson

"Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson is a great option."
"Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson"

Brian Jacques

"The Redwall books are a huge go to for me."
"**Redwall** series- Brian Jacques."

Derek Landy

"Try: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy."
"Very funny too."

Stephenie Meyer

"She would've had at the very least 1,000 suggestions."

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