

112k members
r/BPDmemes is a subreddit with 112k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is huge in size, and has high activity.
Aw shit... just wait until r/bpdmemes hears about this!

Popular Topics in r/BPDmemes

:snoo_tableflip: Vent Meme
: "Not like one of the main issues of having a disorder is bad behavior πŸ₯²"
17 posts
:snoo_hearteyes:FP FP FP FP FP:snoo_hearteyes:
: "Why does it make me so sad tho?"
13 posts
Don't try this at home :snoo_facepalm:
: "How I’m avoiding some of the symptoms πŸ₯°"
10 posts
CW: Suicide
: "When you wake up in the ER with no Memory lmao"
5 posts
:table: Therapy :snoo_biblethump:
: "It's a coping mechanism"
5 posts
:pupper:W H O L E S O M E BPD:pupper:
: "Healthy BPD conversations ✨"
4 posts
CW: Drug Use :cake:
: "my ex is now seeing other people!😝😍"
3 posts
CW: Self Harm
: "me after cutting & being asked what those are:"
2 posts
content warning
: "πŸ€­πŸ˜‰πŸ€«πŸ€™"
2 posts
CW: Stigma
: "Whataminute "
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Popular Posts in r/BPDmemes

Member Growth in r/BPDmemes

+6 members(0.0%)
+639 members(0.6%)
+13k members(12.7%)

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