
80k members
r/socalhiking is a subreddit with 80k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size.
This is a place for fellow hikers and backpackers in Southern California to organize meet ups, post gear reviews, trip reviews, and etc. Hopefully this will unite local hikers and allow us to meet and explore the beautiful landscape we inhabit.

Popular Topics in r/socalhiking

Angeles National Forest
: "A private company is charging SoCal hikers to park on public lands"
30 posts
San Bernardino NF
: "Bluff Lake Reserve"
9 posts
Sequoia NP / NF
: "For 5 min until my bud caught up, I had Mt Whitney’s peak all to myself"
3 posts
Santa Monica Mountains
: "Last week, I read a comment on this subreddit recommending Topanga Lookout. I went on July 3rd for the sunset, and feel very lucky that I got to see this launch"
3 posts
San Diego County
: "🌎 Cuyamaca Peak Interactive 360° Photosphere"
2 posts

Member Growth in r/socalhiking

+36 members(0.0%)
+1k members(1.5%)
+15k members(23.4%)

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