I'm a Copywriter and need content ideas

by Ino Veitz
Published 2022-10-12

Ino is copywriter and uses GummySearch for his ideation workflow. For more of his work, check him out on Twitter at @creatonomist

You’re a copywriter.

Or maybe you’re working on becoming a copywriter.

You’re also growing your social media account. Probably on X? You know you need good content and a good following to attract clients.

But how do you create good content?

ChatGPT can help but it’s hit and miss.

You can go through different copywriting books like The Copywriter’s Handbook or The Adweek Copywriting Handbook (amongst many others) and share the lessons you’ve learned.

Not very original, but it could work. And it takes a bit of time.

You should know by now, that great copywriting is writing that sticks. Writing that draws your attention. Writing that makes you feel.


In most cases it’s writing that hits you right in the feels. It’s writing that knows your pain and desires. And so they dig deeper and deeper into that feeling to keep you wanting more.

And then present you with the solution you’ve been secretly craving.

That’s great copywriting.

And this is what I’m here to show you. How to find the emotions to dig deeper into them to draw readers to your content.

First, who are you writing for?

If you’re a copywriting account, your engaging with other copywriters and writers. You’ll want to grow your team of copywriters so you can exchange tips, tricks and even clients.

So write to them.

Now, what do you write about?

Find out what they’re struggling with.

This is where we can use GummySearch.

Think of it like a mindreader. Where it reads people’s conversations on Reddit. On any topic.

Yes, any topic.

Let me show you.

First, you want to find all the SubReddits (i.e. the reddit groups) that might be discussing your topic. You can search for that using keywords:

Here I’ve added “copywriting”, “copywrit”, and “writ”, just to make sure I’m including all the words and phrases that start with these letters.

I then get a bunch of Subreddits and start selecting the ones that fit my needs. I’ve decided to be very specific so I’m only selecting a few:

  • r/advertising
  • r/freelancewriters
  • r/copywriting

Once I’ve selected my audience, GummySearch creates categories of all the topics being discussed in these subreddits.

I can filter by “Pain & Anger”, “Advice Requests”, “Solution Requests”, and so on.

GummySearch themes for copywriters

When I click on “Advice Request” I get a ton of ideas on what to write about. If people on reddit are struggling with these issues, then I’m sure this will overlap with copywriters on X.

Advice requests for SEO research

By looking at this I can already think about creating content on the following topics:

Creating A Portfolio:

  • How do you display and show your potential clients what you have done before and what you’re capable of?
  • Do you rely on testimonials only?
  • Do you prepare documents or a presentation with some copywork you’ve done?
  • Do you analyze great copywriting and explain why it’s great?
  • Do you then use this and take your prospective clients’ work and show how their copy could be better?

How To Pitch:

  • Getting clients is a struggle for everyone; but how can you help copywriters pitch better? You know this will get eyeballs.

Mixing Niches (Specialist vs Generalist):

  • A lot of writers on reddit are struggling on whether to focus on a niche, mix niches or just be a generalist
  • Knowing that many people struggle with this can give you some ideas of what to write about on X

These are just a few examples of how to use the “Advice Requests” theme to generate content ideas. You can do the same with other themes.

You can even dive into the specific posts that talk about these issues to get into the details of the questions as well as the solutions being proposed by other users.

I can also find more timely discussions.

Hot topics within copywriter subreddits

If I click on “Hot Discussions” on the top left and figure out what’s been most talked about this week.

I can then browse the posts and see specific posts where people are asking a bunch of interesting questions:

  • How do I create a non-brainer offer?
  • How do I network as a copywriter on LinkedIn?

In these specific posts I can see how many upvotes and comments they received to see how popular the question or topic was.

You might be asking yourself, is this necessary?

Deep down, nothing is necessary.

But do you want to save time and find real actionable subjects to write about to attract an audience? GummySearch will help you do that.

- Ino

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